Higher Order Components allow for reusability of code and saves you from repeating yourself, it comes in quite handy. It is something that recently came to my attention and I only wish I had learnt this earlier.
In this instance, I had a layout that consisted of a top nav embedded with a drawer that appeared in multiple views but not all, so instead of always importing it I made it a HOC like this:
import React from 'react'
import TopNav from '../components/TopNav'
export const WithLayout = (Component) => {
return (props) => (
<Component {...props}/>
So what this allows you to do is wrap any component you want to have a top nav in this Layout component, just like this:
import React from 'react'
import { WithLayout } from '../HOC/Layout'
const Landing = () => {
return (
<p>This a page that uses the layout HOC </p>
export default WithLayout(Landing)
And with that, you have a functional HOC in your react app.